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When it comes to grooming a show animal or a herding dog, clipper blades #4 and lower are the clippers of choice. These blades are available in metal or ceramic and are designed for long and voluminous coats as they glide easily over the fur. It is important to note that blades #4 and less cannot effectively cut the tangles, so you must be sure to brush all tangles out of the coat before using. The #4 clipper blade is perfect for full body clipping and will give your pet a perfectly groomed look - just be sure to remove any tangles first!

SKU: 64133

Andis clipper blade, size 3 3/4 SK


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Blade for Andis clipper, size 3 3/4 SK 13 mm

Andis ultraedge

Attention: Make sure you have chosen the right blade or scissor model, because no clipper blade or scissor is exchangeable or refundable.



Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
TYPE DE TONDEUSE Lame #4 et moins


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