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A pet's claws are more likely to bleed if not properly cared for, and anti-bleeding powder for dogs and cats is a great way to prevent this from happening. Nail trimming can be a potentially traumatic process for your pet, especially for cats who are known to be finicky and hostile to grooming, and this powder anti-bleeding for dogs and cats helps to minimize their discomfort. It works by coagulating blood during clipping, so pets won't have to endure prolonged pain or discomfort once nail clipping is complete. Plus, it also helps reduce the mess associated with nail clipping, making cleanup as easy as possible and creating a less stressful environment for your furry friends.

SKU: 31700

Anti-bleeding powder for claws, Kwik-Stop 14.2g


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Kwik-Stop is a powder specially designed to stop bleeding from the claws of your dogs. animals, after their interviews.


Using a moistened cotton applicator, apply the product to the wound for five to ten seconds, applying constant, moderate pressure.

Additional information

Weight0.05 kg
Dimensions8 × 6 × 6 cm

2 reviews for Poudre anti-saignement pour les griffes, Kwik-Stop 14.2g

  1. Raphaël T.


    Cette poudre est bien pratique. Depuis qu’il met arrivé de couper trop prêt, j’ai cette poudre dans mon salon. C’est super facile à faire et efficace.

  2. Samantha G.

    It is very practical

    Sometimes I cut too close because there are animals that move a lot. I use this powder and it is going really well. It doesn’t bleed for long.

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