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According to most canine experts, the coupler dog leash is the best way to walk two dogs at the same time. Unlike traditional leashes, coupler leashes attach to both dogs' collars, allowing them to walk side by side. This prevents tangles and gives each dog more freedom of movement. Also, the coupler dog leash is usually made of stronger materials than traditional leashes, making it less likely to break if one of the dogs pulls. Whether you're a professional dog walker or just want to take your two furry friends for a walk, a coupler dog leash is a great option.

SKU: 52600001

Black bungee coupler for two dogs, RC Pets


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The bungee coupler dog leash is for two medium to large dogs, designer by RC Pets will be super practical during your walks or your sports activities. The bungee is designed to absorb shocks and impacts which reduces the risk of neck, shoulder and wrist injuries. In addition to being practical, it will be possible to use it to walk two dogs at the same time without the leashes getting mixed up.

Width: 1” (2.5cm)
Length: 15” to 18′

Characteristics :

– High quality rope that absorbs tension or shock.
– The metal parts are nickel plated, therefore resistant to wear and corrosion.
– Equipped with an adjustable slider for walking two dogs of different sizes.
– Used as an extension to another leash.
– Good durability and machine washable.

Additional information

Weight 0.62 kg
Dimensions 6 × 20 × 16 cm
Code barre 778810900703


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