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Emotion in dogs and cats, Animodel 10, 30 ml


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Helps your pet to have a state of calm and tranquility. Nervousness in dogs and cats can be caused by many things that bother your pet. Poor diet, lack of exercise, boredom, stress, anxiety, and even changes in the weather can contribute to your pet’s feeling unwell. If you think your dog or cat is nervous, the first thing you should do is consult a veterinarian. He or she will be able to rule out any underlying medical conditions and help you identify the root cause of your dog or cat’s nervousness. Once you know what’s causing your pet’s anxiety, you can take steps to resolve dog and cat nervousness. By taking the time to understand your pet’s needs, you can help them live a happy, healthy life

10 drops to be taken 3 x per day away from food. The drops are to be taken orally directly or mixed with the animal’s water.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 16 cm
Code barre 661433102107


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