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The dog food with fruit is excellent for them because the fruit adds a flavor loved by pets. Pets appreciate the sweet taste of fruits, as well as their crunchy texture. The nutrients contained in fruits are also excellent for their health. Fruit dog food is a great way to add variety to their diet and ensure they are getting the nutrients they need.

SKU: D401-52117

Food for large breed adult dogs, Acana dog 17kg



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This food for your adult large breed dog is made with ingredients of animal origin such as chicken and flounder. It’s nutritious, contains the protein your pooch needs, and is high in calcium for healthy bones and joints.

In addition to chicken, it contains fruits and vegetables. It is without grain ingredients.

It is suitable for large breed dogs over one year old and over 25 kg.


Fresh chicken (16%), chicken meal (16%), whole red lentils, whole peas, turkey meal (6%), whole chickpeas, fresh chicken offal (liver, heart) (4%), flour herring (4%), eggs (4%), raw flounder (4%), fish oil (3%), chicken fat (2.5%), whole green lentils, whole yellow peas, pea fibers, pea starch, raw turkey liver (0.5%), salt, dried kelp, whole fresh pumpkin, whole fresh butternut squash, whole fresh carrots, whole fresh apples, whole fresh pears, whole fresh zucchini, dried chicory root, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh turnip greens, fresh beet greens, fresh whole cranberries, fresh whole blueberries, fresh whole saskatoons, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rose hips .

ADDITIVES (per kg) Technological additives: Vegetable oil tocopherol extract: 121 mg. Citric acid: 40 mg. Sensory additives: Rosemary extract: 80 mg. Nutritional additives: Choline chloride (3a890): 700 mg. 3b606 (zinc: 112.5 mg). 3b406 (copper: 11 mg). Vitamin B1 (3a821): 25 mg. Vitamin B5 (3a841): 8 mg. Vitamin B6 (3a831): 7.5 mg. Vitamin A (3a672a): 5625 IU. Vitamin D3 (3a671): 750 IU. Vitamin E (3a700): 75 IU. Zootechnical additives: 4b1707 Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 2.2×10 ^ 6 CFU

THE GREAT BREED ADULT ACANA RECIPE is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by FEDIAF for the nutrient profiles of foods for the maintenance of adult dogs. Store in a cool, dry place. Unfit for human consumption. || Metabolizable energy: 3375 kcal / kg (405 kcal per 120g cup) with 32% of calories from protein, 38% from carbohydrates and 30% from fat.

Guaranteed analysis:

Crude protein (min.) 31%
Crude fat (min.) 15%
Crude ash (max.) 7%
Crude fiber (max.) 4%
Moisture (max.) 12%
Calcium (min.) 1.4%
Phosphorus (min.) 1.1%
Omega-6 fatty acids (min.) 2.4%
Omega-3 fatty acids (min.) 1.2%
DHA (min.) 0.4%
EPA (min.) 0.4%
Glucosamine (min.) 800 mg / kg

Additional information

Weight19 kg
Dimensions43 × 18 × 75 cm
Code barre64992716882


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