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Bluestem Water Additive for Unflavored Cats and Dogs is suitable for all breeds and sizes of cats and dogs. This product improves the oral hygiene of your pet while refreshing the breath. It helps fight pie and plaque. It helps in good dental health.

SKU: 628451217008

Oral hygiene additive for cats and dogs, Bluestem without flavor

(2 customer reviews)


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Bluestem Water Additive for Cats and Dogs helps fight plaque and tartar. It provides fresh breath and helps your pet’s oral hygiene. It is easy to use. It helps promote good dental health. It can be used every day.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 10 × 20 × 10 cm

2 reviews for Additif d’hygiène buccale des chats et chiens, Bluestem sans saveur

  1. Vicky St-Jean

    Ça marche

    Mon chat aime bien son bol d’eau. J’ai remarqué que son haleine était différente. Mais ca pris du temps avant de voir la différence. Il va me reste à essayer avec des saveurs maintenant.

  2. Jeffrey Pouliot

    Really a difference

    I have a big dog that stinks from the mouth. After trying this product, I see a good difference in his breath. It smells much better. By cons I found it long before it starts to take effect.

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