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As any dog owner knows, providing your furry friend with the proper nutrition is key to keeping him healthy and happy. The Acana Protein dog food, Ranchlands recipe is a high-quality option that is ideal for dogs of all ages. Made with real meat, vegetables and fruits, this food provides your dog with all the nutrients he needs to thrive. Plus, these foods are free of fillers and artificial ingredients, so you can be sure your dog is getting only the best. Whether you have a young puppy or an adult dog, Acana Ranchlands Protein Dog Food is a great option for keeping them healthy and well fed.

SKU: ACANA Plus forte en protéines, Nourriture pour chien Ranchlands

ACANA Highest Protein, Ranchlands Dog Food

(2 customer reviews)

32.99$ to 104.99$


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This Ranchlands dog food is made with lamb, beef and pork. This dog food belongs to the range with a high protein content. It contains 70% raw animal meats and 30% raw fruits and vegetables such as collards, pumpkin, butternut squash, carrots, apples and whole pears. Which makes it a fiber-rich food. It is grain-free, soy-free, wheat-free, corn-free and tapioca-free. Its coating is freeze-dried to give more flavor. It contains prebiotics and fiber to promote good digestive health.

It is designed for dogs of all ages.


S= 2kg (4.4 lbs)

L= 11.4kg (25 lbs)

Ingredients: Raw beef (9%), raw lamb (8%), raw pork (8%), beef meal (8%), lamb meal (8%), pork meal (7%), peas whole, whole red lentils, whole chickpeas, beef fat (5%), raw beef liver (4%), raw pork liver (4%), raw freshwater lake fish* (4%), whole green lentils, whole pinto beans, whole yellow peas, pea starch, raw bison (2%), fish oil (2%), lentil fiber, raw lamb liver (0.5%), tripe raw lamb (0.5%), dried kelp, salt, freeze-dried beef and liver, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole carrots, fresh whole apples, fresh whole pears, fresh whole zucchini, dried chicory root, cabbage curly leaf, fresh spinach, fresh turnip greens, fresh beet greens, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoons, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rose hips. *Various mix of raw cisco, whitefish, northern pike and mullet

ADDITIVES (per kg) Technological additives: Tocopherol extract from vegetable oils: 121 mg. Citric acid: 40mg. Sensory additives: Rosemary extract: 80 mg. Nutritional additives: Taurine (3a370): 500 mg. 3b606 (zinc: 150mg). 3b406 (copper: 11 mg). Vitamin B1 (3a821): 25mg. Vitamin B5 (3a841): 8 mg. Vitamin B6 (3a831): 7.5mg. Vitamin E (3a700): 50 IU. Zootechnical additives: 4b1707 Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 2.2×10^6 CFU.

ACANA® RANCHLANDS® RECIPE for Dogs is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by FEDIAF for all life stages except for growing large dogs. cut. Store in a cool, dry place. Unfit for human consumption | Metabolizable energy: 3790 kcal/kg (455 kcal for a 250ml/120g cup) with 37% from protein, 23% from fruit and vegetables and 40% from fat.

Guaranteed analysis:

Crude protein (min.) 35%
Crude fat (min.) 17%
Raw ash (max.) 8.5%
Crude fiber (max.) 6%
Humidity (max.) 12%
Calcium (min.) 1.8%
Phosphorus (min.) 1.3%
Omega-6 fatty acids (min.) 2%
Omega-3 fatty acids (min.) 1%
DHA (min.) 0.2%
EPA (min.) 0.2%

Additional information


2 reviews for ACANA Plus forte teneur en protéines, Nourriture pour chien Ranchlands

  1. Roxanne B.

    Très satisfaite

    Cette nourriture comble l’appétit de mon chien. Avec la petite quantité que je lui donne, il est rassasié et pleins d’énergies. Super contente qu’il aime sa nourriture.

  2. Mark S.

    A happy dog

    My dog loves his new food. He doesn’t ask for more food despite the small amount I give him in the morning. He has more energy. Really satisfied

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