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This and That, treats for dogs is a Canadian company that takes the well-being and health of dogs to heart. This and That produces treats for dogs premium pet food that contain high levels of omega fatty acids and are nearly lactose free. In addition to providing exceptional nutrition for pets, This and That donates a portion of its sales to animal welfare organizations across Canada. Therefore, when you buy products from This and That dog treats, you can be sure that you are not only giving your pet a nutritious diet, but that you are also helping to improve the lives of other animals in need.

SKU: Bâton de fromage pour chiens, This & that

Cheese stick for dogs, This & That

9.99$ to 23.99$

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This Everest cheese treat is 100% natural. This firm-textured stick is virtually lactose-free and has omega fatty acids. It is tasty and keeps your dog busy while chewing. To avoid wasting the small piece left over, microwave it for a crunchy and delicious cheesy bite. This and That dog treat is a good choice.

Ingredients: Yak milk, Achham cow’s milk, salt, lime juice.


Small: 43g

Medium: 71g

Large: 100g

XL-large: 142g

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Code barre628071900007, 628071900021, 628071900038, 628071900045


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